parched cordwood weeks stacked one on another brittle browning bare feet grass chickens in the garden in the rhubarb huffing and puffing scratching dirt up under wings gauzy backyard haze sitting feet up and dozing lawnmower in sweltering barn uselessness stove-top steps on pavement everything green beaten down leaning like an elbow on a dog-day buzz fencepost air but no air the lake a mirage kids in the pool like gators up to their eyes and noses humid humid heavy chest-sitting humid then dishwater clouds then pre-storm rainfall teaser the first summer sundress waking the universe reminding remembering thirst lust satisfaction then soaking full-on downspout gush streets a white field of splish splash and tire-hiss mist at long last slip slink of satin clinging like light like truth like breath heavier now heavier still it falls musty fresh and the first deep breath that’s closed my eyes in it seems forever closed my eyes but not the car windows
Updated: Jul 10, 2020