Home a couple days now. First day back to work under my belt. Kids are all tucked in and sleeping. I’m finally able to get my notebook...
Home a couple days now. First day back to work under my belt. Kids are all tucked in and sleeping. I’m finally able to get my notebook...
I’m not counting the days…I’m just close enough that I can say “three” without looking at my fingers. I just packed and shipped a big box...
Another from the thesis. I spend a total of two months in the Delta doing research for a book about the Delta Blues. One day I had a...
I turned right out of the driveway onto Main Street, as I do every weekday morning–the kids clamoring from the back seat for for me to...
I’m going to Oregon and I’m going fishing. I’m leaving work for a full week in one big hurry. I’ve booked my flight. Fly rods, reels,...
There are few things in my life that I regret. That’s not to say there aren’t choices I’ve made that I would probably not make again if...
mornings like this remind me that there is more the world goes on and on forever around the next bend the next draw or downed tree it’s...
I’ve been silently beating myself up a lot lately for being strict with my kids. Sometimes down-right hard-ass. I feel like I’m in a...
We’re in a new house. Moved in on New Years Day in the middle of the coldest, snowiest winter week in Upstate NY so far this season. I’m...
My wife and I lived in Virginia from ’00 to ’04 while I was in grad school for poetry. By ’03 we were already two kids heavier and I had...
I love to fish. Early mornings. Late afternoon to dusk. Lake, stream, pond, puddle…I fish for whatever’s swimming. And there are days...
4:45 a.m. last Saturday. I rolled out of bed to turn off the alarm and got dressed in the dark. Long underwear, jeans, sweatshirt, heavy...
For my nephew, rest in peace kiddo… STEPHEN JACK Short days. Bright leaves. Summer daydreams have run off— like little boys for pick-up...
I just spent this past Sunday with my 7 year old daughter at a lacrosse tournament. She was playing with the 3rd and 4th grade girls...
I’m a writer at an advertising agency. My job is to understand our clients’ business at least as well as they do and deftly influence the...
My kids are beginning their journey into sports. Lacrosse, soccer, wrestling, football, basketball, golf, backyard whiffleball… the list...
You have no idea how much I toiled over deciding what to write for my first-ever blog post. In the end, I decided not to. To break the...